5° Meeting Praga

Date Monday, 22nd of January 2018, 15:00 (start) Friday, 26th of January 2018, 14:00 (end)
Language: English
Participants European partners of NEST project
Location Mariapoli Centre, Mladoboleslavská 667, 190 17 Prague www.centrummariapoli.cz
Responsible Kateřina Hájková, Project Coordinator – Bibiána Šmehilová, Project Coordinator
Trainers Mathias Kaps, Starkmacher e.V. Giovanni Zambon, Starkmacher e.V.
Organizer Pontes z.ú. Modletínská 2 101 00 Praha 101
Sponsored Erasmus+ Programme
Meeting Argoments:
Understanding one type of Erasmus+ Project after contract and Financing Phases of PCM
- Presentation of Host-Spot Project
- Documentation of Erasmus+
- Mobility tool
- Final report
Understanding the purpose and process of the Implementation Phase of PCM
- The Implementation Phase
- Monitoring Projects
- Reporting on Progress
Understanding one type of big EU Project after contract and Financing Phases of PCM
- Presentation of Daphne Project
- Documentation
- Ongoing finance documenta-tion
- Final report
- Project Management
- Financial Management and Financial Reporting
- INDICATORS – Quantitative re-port on Outputs and Delivera-bles:
Communication Strategies and dissemination of results (AF)
- Helps to plan and improve your communication strategy and provides practical examples of communication tools and activities.
- Communication strategy
- Set clear objectives
- Identify your target groups
- Develop messages
- Create a time plan
- Define your budget
- Communication activities
- Communication skills
- Internal communication
Dealing with Conflicts in the Im-plementation and Management (MK)
- To dealing with conflict can assist project managers and other organization members to handle and effectively resolve conflicts which can lead to a more productive organization as a whole
- Conflict Resolution in Project Management
- Where are ‘Stolpersteine’
- How prevent conflicts
- How to intervene in Conflicts
- Celebrate
Understanding the purpose and process of the Evaluation Phase of PCM
Understanding the purpose and processes of the Mid-Term Re-view and the End-of-Term Re-view
Understanding the criteria used in evaluations
- The Evaluation Phase
- Types of Evaluation
- Criteria for Evaluation
- Evaluation Criteria & Logframe